Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Good Design · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · Sustainability

13. Good Design Evaluation – PW

·         In what ways have you considered the sustainability of your project process and outcomes?

I have considered the material and ink used in my design to be sustainable by using eco-friendly ink and cotton for the uniforms design.

·         In what ways have you considered the ethical implications of your project process and outcomes?

The outcomes of my design will affect everyone’s best interests by a positive attitude towards employer and employee relationship and promote a caring attitude towards the product to reduce the waste

·         In sustainability and ethical terms in what ways was your work in this project an improvement or a backward step for you as a socially conscious designer?

Instead of designing a new physical product to help with the waste, i decided to make use of what the factory had and go back to the source of the waste by helping create a positive mindset of the workers.

·         What targets can you make at this point for your work in the future as a socially conscious designer? 

My targets will include researching sustainable options to propose to my clients using my designs and to continue to think about the Do Good Design pledge in my designs, even if this could prove more challenging.