FMP · giving for futures · Options Module part 1

Evaluation & Reflection – FMP

Evaluation and Reflection for FMP – Giving for Futures

1) Visual Communication:

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief?

The message of the brief was to make the donor feel good and better about themselves for giving to people’s futures, either in ways of time, skills, products, money etc. The message of the pieces for my FMP charity campaign meet this need by including photographs and quotes to inspire this message, showing a visual combined with information through text, supporting and inspiring people of the key message.

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece fail to meet the needs of the brief?

My brief says about a lighthearted, fun approach – however the messages i used were more inspirational the fun.

What are the strengths of the visual communication? Why?

The strengths of the visual communication was the combination of image and text which helped bring the message alive and correspond with other charity campaigns. The font was prominent and easy to read from afar.

What are the weaknesses of the visual communication? Why?

More time could have been spent on the photographs themselves, improving quality.

In what ways could the piece be mis-read or mis-understood by the audience? Be specific about who the audience is.

The audience is everybody. Therefore it could be mis-read or mis-understood by people who have trouble reading. The call to action #givingforfutures could be mis-understood as the information explaining about this is on a webpage / social media.

In what practical ways could the piece be developed or improved?

The charity campaign could have been developed and improved by exploring more elements of charity campaigns, marketing, and mostly the webpage explaining more about the campaign and providing more information on the individual charities within the consortium, and things they could do to get involved.

2) Reflection of own working practices:
Be very honest with yourself in this section. Please feel free to approach a member of staff for help finding ways to develop skills.

How was my time keeping?

My time keeping for this project was hit and miss due to being unwell and having an extension. I feel it was not so much the time management but the value of the time was not the most productive, resulting in a smaller campaign then i had initially wished.

How was my analysis of the brief?

I felt i kept the brief quite open and covered the important factors of the elements, message, audience etc.

How was my research?

My research could have been more in-depth, covering more insight into other charity campaigns and questionnaires to people on their own experiences of giving.

How did I draw conclusions from my research?

Researching more than one avenue for the benefits of giving with supporting evidence and other professionals

How did I use research to generate and develop ideas?

Originally i was going to base my design on a typographic piece, however my research brought to my attention how most charity campaigns use images to communicate with their audience, relating the message through human connections such as hands.

How did I use evaluations to help with my ideas generation and development?

Evaluating the importance of the message and being relatable to my audience, pushed me through to speak to tutors and ensure the message is clear in my design

How did I use experimentation during the project? How can I make this more effective?

I experimented with poster layouts, colour use, effective imagery, photography and type combined to match the meaning and not have the image take the meaning away from the text, or vice versa. I could have made this more effective by recording looking further into how images can take other meanings to different people.

In what ways did I show that I had achieved the Learning Outcomes? How can I improve this next time?

No set learning outcomes as written own brief.

What parts of the project did I enjoy most? Why was this the case?

I enjoyed researching about the benefits of giving and inspiration quotes to help portray this message to the audience.

What parts of the project did I enjoy least? Why was this the case?

I found working to my own brief a challenge, found myself questioning whether i had chose the write avenues for my brief.

At what times did I work best? Why might this be the case? How can I ensure that I work well at all times?

I feel once i had spoken to tutors about my worries and stage, i worked better because i had reassurance and guidance. Continuing this will help me work well and keep on track.

What areas inspired me? Why was this the case? How could I follow these up?

The famous quotes inspired me to make changes myself in the way i give my time and effort to others.

What areas were challenging or difficult?  Why was this the case?

The whole FMP i felt was a challenge. Especially having the 4 other projects to work on, distracted my attention from the FMP which made me feel i was behind which was hard to get back into. Being unwell gave me a massive set back on this project, even with the extension, the challenges of catching up were difficult.

How can I go about developing and improving  the parts I found difficult?

Getting back to full health. Learning to cope better with hopping from different projects and working hard on re-focusing by speaking to tutors and setting goals / planner to keep me on track.

Do I need to develop certain skills? Do I need these now? Or later?

Although my knowledge has come a long way, I need to continue to develop my skills using the design programmes. I want to develop my skills in web design and editorial spreads.

Any other points?


Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Good Design · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · Sustainability

13. Good Design Evaluation – PW

·         In what ways have you considered the sustainability of your project process and outcomes?

I have considered the material and ink used in my design to be sustainable by using eco-friendly ink and cotton for the uniforms design.

·         In what ways have you considered the ethical implications of your project process and outcomes?

The outcomes of my design will affect everyone’s best interests by a positive attitude towards employer and employee relationship and promote a caring attitude towards the product to reduce the waste

·         In sustainability and ethical terms in what ways was your work in this project an improvement or a backward step for you as a socially conscious designer?

Instead of designing a new physical product to help with the waste, i decided to make use of what the factory had and go back to the source of the waste by helping create a positive mindset of the workers.

·         What targets can you make at this point for your work in the future as a socially conscious designer? 

My targets will include researching sustainable options to propose to my clients using my designs and to continue to think about the Do Good Design pledge in my designs, even if this could prove more challenging.

Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW

12. Presentation FW

When our group presented our first initial ideas of Every piece matters – Be Fruitful, the Fruit Carer was what the client liked, so i wanted to work my design on this.

The message behind my design is that the fruit carers are a vital link to helping with Fruit Waste, The business is in their hands. This is what my design represents. It can be used as a visual for their job roles.

This can be placed on their uniform to brighten the place up, maybe by stitching would work to cover health and safety.

The poster can be placed around the factory to show gratitude for the work they do. This states that by the workers caring and doing a good job, they are proactive in helping with the fruit waste.

Slide 1screenshot-2016-11-29-10-12-37

Slide 2


Slide 3


Slide 4


Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · visual communication

11. Finals and Mock ups – Fruit Carer

This message shows the workers gratitude form the owners of the factory and lets them know they are making a difference by caring for the fruit.

(The grey border in not part of the design. This is just to show the edge of the white poster)


This is a circle badge showing the visual of a fruit carer


Mock ups on how this could look on employee uniform – Front and back



Below i have mocked up a different photograph which shows the hands from a different angle. On the wall it gives a 3D look, presenting the same message of thanking the workers for caring.




Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW

10. Fruit Carer design process

Inspiration / Sketch / Photograph

These are the 2 photographs i have chosen to use for my design. They are clear and show my vision well. I am going to hide the background and cut out the hands in photoshop.

I first experimented with the image by enhancing the image and using the pen tool to cut out a heart shape


I felt that the hands itself already can be seen as a heart and i didn’t need to emphasise it more. I experimented with different type in different positions. I wanted to use a Bold, San-Serif text so that it would be easy for the people to read.

Arial Rounded MT Bold was my choice of type which worked to these.

Below i mocked up an image of the hands and text on the workers uniform. I felt that they needed a border and a block colour to bring them together to stand out well.

I added in the white background which has improved the image, making the text more readable and overall brighter. I think this works well and brings colour to the environment by not using just the walls but the workers themselves. If this image is stitched on, it should work with being safe under health and safety.

I wanted to use my image on a poster so the workers feel appreciated by thanks from the employer itself. The posters message reminds them that they are making a difference to the waste by caring. I used the same Type used for the badge which reads clear and stands out. I have kept the background white to keep the emphasis on the image and message itself, running with the theme of the uniform badge. Simple and clear is important when barriers in communication are present.



Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · visual communication

1.Introduction Fruit Factory Brief


Tuesday 1st November: representatives of the three classes attend a briefing at PW, interview staff and try out working in the factory lines.

Over the week everyone researches food waste in general and any design campaigns to reduce waste of any sort. Or other design campaigns that may give insights and inspiration to this one. Add to blogs. Be ready to share.

Friday 4th Nov. begin to consider the potential anti-wastage campaign:

·         What is…? – the current situation at PW

·         What if…? – divergent ideas for a campaign to prevent waste

Tues 8th Nov onwards. Continue in groups to formulate potential campaign ideas.

After the one campaign is selected everyone leave their groups and work individually on their own design artefacts. These can be anything but must fit in with the campaign selected (ie use the strap lines, themes, colours etc  chosen by client).

Deadline and crits will probably be in week of November 28th. (To be confirmed).

For learning outcomes/grading criteria refer to own year group modules:·         HND 2 refer to Options module of your choice (but you must remain on the same one for the next Options project)

Reflecting on the project 

When we was introduced to this brief, i was looking forward to researching how to communicate a strong message to workers of different languages by trying to put myself in their shoes.

After watching the clients presentation to its staff, it made me realise how i didn’t want to communicate my idea to the workers. Trying to explain a problem through material things and figures is hard to keep anyone focused and understand the problem. It needs simplifying this message…..

In a group we had to pass a number of pennies around and keep this going for a period of time without stopping. This allowed us to experience how repetitiveness can be very boring and hard work. On the second round, we had to do this in silence. This made the work even more tedious and unenjoyable without communication. This is a struggle some of the workers have due to a language barrier.

This made me realise that visual communication was to be very important for my project.

Whilst learning about the factory and the limitations with having a sterile environment, my first initial thought was to have a projector which is on the ceiling and evolves around the factory on the walls, like the ones in the cinema.

In my group we sketched emotions associated with wasted fruit and discussed what we want our message to be based around –

  • Promote a positive attitude for the employees
  • Think of reverse phycology
  • Giving the workers a sense of pride and appreciation

These are the notes i made during other class exercises – 


Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW

2. PW – Fruit Waste

These are the photographs taken by others inside the factory. The people who visited the factory described how the environment was very bland and how hard it was to cut the top off the strawberries off just right without taking too much off (waste)

They described how cold it was in the factory as it has to be for the food. This is something i would really struggle with working in the cold! The smell was like a mixture of fruit and chlorine.

Some of the waste contributed from some of the machines not working to their best, which resulted in squashed containers and damaged good fruit. This is out of the workers hands and something that could help the workers and company by being improved.

Seeing and hearing about the unfortunate amount of waste, made me think about the waste we produce everyday at home. I started to ensure that i only brought what i needed when i done a food shop, so as not to let food go to waste that isn’t eaten. I also showered rather than running baths as this saves water. When boiling the kettle i am conscious to only fill to what i need. Caring for the little things makes a big difference.

Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · visual communication

6. Photos of Fruit

I personally didn’t go along to the fruit factory for a visit to take my own photographs, so the 2 people in their group presented their photos to our group so we could visualise the environment. I was worried about this project being our first Options module due to the fact that i am choosing Photography as my option and unable to take my own photographs at the factory of the workers and the fruit. We were advised that fruit would be sent in to college for the students to take photographs which didn’t happen until very late in the project. As i was unable to visit the factory i thought ahead and brought some cut fruit from the supermarket so i could start playing with ideas.

I wanted to reflect the workers in my photograph to make it personal and visualise their role. I chose to show hands to reflect this. After all, its their hands that do all the hard work.

I ensured to buy a variety of different fruits for my photographs, using a range of colours and textures that fit in with fruit they work with in the factory.

The lighting was bright which can be seen reflecting off the fruit in the photographs. This highlights their shapes well.


I experimented with bits of fruit by trying to create letters and words – CARE


Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · visual communication

4. Prep World Presentation

Our prep world presentation (click on link) – prepworld-presentation_message

After putting my ideas of the message to the group, they liked it and decided to use that as our slogan for our presentation.

The rest of the group then used that idea to further more visuals for the client and present it in a digital form and mock it up.

The group worked really well in terms of covering everyones ideas and illustrations in the presentation to the client. The most important thing we felt we wanted to get across was recognition, encouragement and understanding.

After presenting to the client, we had some positive feedback for our joint efforts, and in particular he really liked the idea of the FRUIT CARER. This was great that he felt the same way i did in relation to job title recognition, it goes a long way when their is no room for pay rises etc. As the brief specifies to further any ideas that he liked, this will be what i will base my idea of my design around.


Fruit Factory · Fruit waste · Options Module part 1 · Photography · PW · visual communication

3 . Research on the message

I’ve been thinking about the message for Andrew which covers all three of the below….

– To promote a positive attitude to the employees.
– To give employees a sense of pride in what they do and appreciation.
– Think about reverse psychology. How can we tell Andrew that employees may not want to look at the ‘harsh’ facts, and what are the benefits of using reverse psychology?

From online research and personal experience in the workplace, it seems that businesses who use employee recognition reap the best results. Changing Job titles to attract and reward workers, provide status and self esteem and better quality of work. Some examples below which show possible job titles that could in fact improve their mindset – reverse psychology.

Fruit Carer / Fruit Minder / Fruit Companion / Fruit Supervisor / Quality Fruit Supervisor

I don’t know what currently he titles his workers, but if this is an idea, in order to break through the language barrier, we could think about a Typographic & Image visual which represents their title.

Along with this idea… we could create a PLEDGE or MANIFESTO for the title they take on… like the Do good design pledge.

This pledge is a positive message which we could use on the walls etc around the workplace and in several languages? I will do my best to – use resources wisely …. etc

I started searching particular words in the dictionary associated with my thoughts on the fruit factory such as fruit pieces / caring etc and looking at Antonyms and Synonyms.

I researched some images of fruit online to help with visual inspiration for the message –


The message i have come up with to put to my group is:

Every piece matters – BE FRUITFUL 

The meaning of Fruitful = Productive, producing good results.